Individual Inventors

We have developed a process that can help you take your idea from concept to market, and we would love to hear about the products you're working on. Our development process focuses on providing the best possible product for our clients by ensuring that their ideas are fully explored and understood before any work begins. We then work with them to develop a prototype, which serves as a proof of concept for their idea. Once we've established whether or not there is a market for the product, we'll begin production and marketing efforts.We have extensive experience working with individual inventors and entrepreneurs, and would be happy to discuss your project.

Start Ups

Our product development services are designed to help you start your business with a bang. We'll work with you to develop the right product, at a price point that makes sense for your budget and market, and get it out there in an efficient and timely manner.We've worked with start-ups of all shapes and sizes, from all over the world, so we know what it takes to get your product developed quickly and efficiently! We'll work with you every step of the way to make sure you have the right products on time and at a price point that makes sense for you.

Patent Attorneys

We’ve created processes that have been proven to streamline patent application drafting and make the patent attorney’s job easier! We will work with you to create a custom workflow that integrates our processes within your existing procedures.

When designing your custom workflow, your law firm may choose to take advantage of one or more of our developed and well-tested methods.​

For example, you might follow the drawings first approach when you prefer to have patent drawings completed and approved by your client, before the application is written. This approach decreases the potential for wasted attorney time and insures that the client gets what they were expecting. In reviewing the drawings, your client can confirm that their idea is well understood and that all of the features that are important to them are included. We accept the inventor's information in any format – including pencil sketches, written descriptions, files, or physical items. After a short conversation with you about the invention’s points of novelty and possible claims, we generate a coherent and complete patent drawing set, that will fit precisely with your written specification.​

eCommerce Sellers

Product development is a crucial part of running an eCommerce store. You need to be able to produce products that will entice customers and keep them coming back for more. In order to do this, you must come up with the right product, design it in such a way that it's attractive and easy to use, and then create the best possible marketing campaign around your new product.The first step in this process is coming up with the right product. It's important that you're making something that people want and need, so you should start by asking yourself what problems people have. If there's a gap in the market for a certain type of product, then that may be an indication that you've come up with something intriguing enough that the public will want it. Once you've identified a problem or need in society, think about how you can fill it with your product.Once you've decided what kind of product to create, it's time to get down into the details about how exactly this thing will work for users. You need to make sure that whatever solution you're offering is easy-to-use and intuitive—this will make or break whether or not people are willing to buy into your idea! If it feels like too much work for them on their

Amazon Sellers

Amazon product development is a process that involves creating a product from scratch and getting it ready for sale on Amazon. It's important to note that this is different from product sourcing, which involves finding an established product and getting it ready for sale on Amazon. Amazon sellers can develop their own products or use existing products, like home goods or electronics. The first step in this process is to create a product listing and make sure it has all the right details—like images and pricing—before you start selling. Once you've developed your list of products, they'll appear on Amazon before they're available for purchase. This allows you to test out demand before committing to making the product available for purchase.